
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the Jefferies Family Scholarship, which is awarded to the children of Jefferies employees who have demonstrated outstanding achievement inside and outside the classroom. Collectively, 68 students will receive a total of $822,000 in scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year. This 34% increase in scholarship funding since 2022 is an all-time high for dollars awarded, with over $200,000 more in scholarships than just two years ago.

‌For the 44th consecutive year, the Jefferies Family Scholarship has provided awards to recognize distinction in our employees’ children. Our independent selection committee carefully reviewed and scored each of the 120 eligible new applications, awarding educational scholarships of $12,500 to 21 new recipients and 42 renewing applicants for the upcoming school year. Additionally, one lucky applicant was selected in the Application Incentive Award drawing for $3,000, while three others were selected to receive the Jefferies Award of Merit, which includes a $3,000 scholarship. Finally, one student demonstrating they could most benefit from an educational scholarship was selected to receive the Carl Hathaway Memorial Award, worth $15,000.

‌These awards would not be possible without the generous donations from Jefferies and our many contributors, and we thank all our donors. To see our list of donors, please visit our Degrees of Giving page found on the website under Support JFS.

‌We thank all our applicants and their parents, especially those completing the short form application, increasing the number of scholarships available as the total number of scholarships is limited by an IRS rule to no more than 25% of the total applicant pool.

‌We commend this year’s recipients and graduates for the excellence they represent in our scholarship program and our firm, and also congratulate the employees whose children were selected for an award. Finally, we want to thank the JFS Selection Committee, Board of Directors, and Program Coordinator who devote countless hours every year to this worthwhile endeavor.

Warm Regards,

JFS Co-Chairmen Jeff and Chris

Aiden Augustyn
Son of Emma DiFonzo, New York
Hiba Khan
Daughter of Rizwan Khan, New York
Ifeayo Bakare
Computer Science
Daughter of Walé Bakare, New York
Tyler Loftus
Daughter of Christine Samokishyn, Jersey City
Corey Braswell
Son of Michelle Braswell, Charlotte
Simran Mulchandani
Computer Science
Daughter of Ghansham Mulchandani, London
William Braswell
General Studies
Son of Michelle Braswell, Charlotte
Prosper Prawl
Aeronautical Engineering
Son of Stacian Largie, Jersey City
Jessica Casey
Forensic Science
Daughter of David Casey, London
Charles Prowse
Son of Lee Prowse, London
Michaela Cowan
Daughter of Justin Cowan, London
Rencie Rodrigues
Business Administration and Law
Daughter of Genevieve Rodrigues, Mumbai
Lewis Edwards
Sports and Exercise Science
Son of Spencer Edwards, London
Katie Shum
Business Administration
Daughter of Kevin Shum, New York
Christ Fiaga
Computer Hardware Engineering and Electronics
Son of Jean-Claude Fiaga, Los Angeles
Khushi Vora
Fashion Design
Daughter of Ketan Vora, Mumbai
Marco Wong
Son of Carol Chung, Hong Kong
Carlile Fiaga
Daughter of Jean-Claude Fiaga, Los Angeles
Uraaz Gorimar     
Computer Science
Son of Hirji Gorimar, Mumbai
Anthony Wright
Major TBD
Son of Alex Wright, London
Molly Jones
Daughter of Gary Jones, London
Hanna Wright
Daughter of Alex Wright, London

2024 Jefferies Award of Merit (JAM)

We have three winners of the Jefferies Award of Merit this year. In addition to an engraved crystal award, each winner will also receive a $3,000 scholarship.

Jenelle Cocorpus is in her second year of medical school at SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University. She is working on a master’s in public health while studying to become a medical doctor. Her mother, Jennie Cocorpus, is a Vice President of Corporate Control in Jefferies’ New York City Office.

Lucy Li will major in neuroscience and pre-med as a freshman this fall at Amherst College. Her father, Yue Li, is a Vice President of Information Technology in the Jefferies’ New York Office.

Kanishk Neerumalla will study biology with a pre-med track as a freshman this fall at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. His father, Narsing Neerumalla, is a Senior Vice President of Information Technology in the Jefferies’ New York Office.

2024 Application Incentive Award (AIA)

This lucky applicant’s name was drawn at random from those not selected for another award, to receive a $3,000 scholarship, just for completing an application! Megan McInerney will start this fall at Georgetown University where she will major in nursing. Her father, Patrick McInerney, is a Senior Vice President of Corporate Operations in Jefferies’ New York Office.

2024 Alan Herrick Memorial Award (AHMA)

Both an athlete and scholar, this student has earned recognition on his high school’s academic honor roll since he was a freshman. In addition to community service, he has been the captain of both his high school’s football team and track and field team. Prosper Prawl was selected to receive this year’s Alan Herrick Memorial Award. Alan is remembered as being a well-rounded, spirited and a passionate student athlete and artist. Each year, an educational scholarship recipient who best exhibits Alan’s qualities of good sportsmanship, generosity to others, and/or involvement in the arts is selected for this honor, which comes with an engraved crystal award.

2024 Carl Hathaway Memorial Award (CHMA)

In memory of Chairman Emeritus Carl Hathaway, who served on the selection committee for 37 years, one applicant is selected to receive a larger scholarship of $15,000. This award is based on the applicant’s demonstration of the following characteristics, which Carl recognized as key to individual success: overcoming adversity; showing perseverance, grit, and drive; or coping with overwhelming factors to succeed. Involved in music, sports, and community service, Jessica Casey will continue to contribute to her academic community.

2024 Renewals

All 42 eligible current JFS scholarship recipients who applied to have their scholarships renewed were approved. Congratulations to the parents of students who maintained full-time attendance and a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher! This large number of renewals results from a change to the duration of the scholarship. Students may now apply to renew their scholarship for up to four years, before applying again as a new applicant. This means more students can rely on having the funds needed to complete their degrees.

I cannot thank you enough for giving me the scholarship. The scholarship helps me financially, but more importantly it gives me confidence to study well, as I now know that there are people who are confident that I will succeed in achieving my life goals and they want to support me doing that. Thank you for the trust you have showed in me.