Frequently Asked Questions
Applicants and Parents
Governmental regulations restrict us to award only 25% of the applicants, therefore, regardless of financial need, we encourage all eligible children of Jefferies employees to apply so we may award the maximum number of scholarships available. The JFS Board of Directors seeks to help as many deserving students as possible reach their educational goals!
The program is for the benefit of all Jefferies employees’ children globally. Unfortunately, this means that no cousins, siblings or other relatives other than children are eligible to apply.
Unfortunately consultants, independent contractors, and employees of other companies who work within the Jefferies office are not employees of Jefferies; therefore, their children are not eligible.
Only children who are legally related to you are eligible to apply. This would include individuals for whom you serve as a legal guardian, adopted children, step-children, and biological children.
Although you are not eligible to apply for a scholarship, some of your educational cost may be reimbursable. To learn more about the Tuition Assistance Program, log on to the Human Resources Center. From there, you may consult your Employee Handbook to review the Tuition Reimbursement policy.
All scholarship recipients must apply each year to receive a scholarship.
Yes, if you meet all eligibility requirements, you are encouraged to apply.
Once awarded, a scholarship will not be terminated due to the parent’s employment terminating during the period of the scholarship, so long as the student remains academically eligible.
The scholarship is to be used to pay educational expenses, most commonly for the cost of tuition, fees, and required educational expenses. Room and board expenses that are a part of education expenses may also be paid from scholarship funds. However, scholarship amounts are taxable income if the aggregate scholarship amounts received by the recipient exceed tuition and fees (not including room and board) required for enrollment or attendance at the educational institution and fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses of instruction. Also, recipients must present supporting documentation demonstrating that any living expenses are a part of the recipient’s educational expenses.
No, so long as all eligibility requirements are met, the student may apply to this competitive program. Some students are selected to receive the scholarship for several years, while others receive it only once or not at all.
No, students have received scholarships for an array of academic studies, ranging from accounting to xenophobia. The only limitation is that the student must matriculate full time at an accredited school having academically based admissions requirements.
The program’s goal is to award as many scholarships as possible, within keeping of regulations which govern these types of programs. Historically, the maximum number of scholarships have been awarded every year. While that number varies based upon the number of applicants, it has always been limited to 25% of our applicants.
Yes, we go to great lengths to ensure the anonymity of all applicants and their parents. It is only after the selection process is complete that the names of recipients are announced. Those who are not selected remain anonymous.
No, we do not do interviews as this would make anonymity a challenge. Rather, all applicants apply on-line, which enables the administrator to ensure anonymity.
Every attempt is made to notify all applicants of the selection committee’s decision regarding the status of their application by May 1.
Yes! JFS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and, as such, all donations are tax deductible.
Absolutely. To have your donation deducted from your paycheck, access the Jefferies Family Scholarship page through OneJef. In OneJef, click on the Resources tab at the top, then click on the Jefferies Family Scholarship link. You may click here to be taken to that page or navigate there yourself and click on the payroll deduction link in blue.
It sure does. To learn more about guidelines for matching funds, please review the matching guidelines listed under Charitable Giving on the Resources page of OneJef, or click here to be taken to that page.
Donors will receive a receipt of donation by February of the year following their contribution. To receive a receipt prior to February of the following year, please contact Regina de Wetter at [email protected].
You may obtain a copy of the Jefferies Family Scholarship financial report by sending a written request to:
Regina de Wetter
Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Jefferies Family Scholarship

Upon receiving this scholarship, I felt as if one of my worries for the future had been lifted, and I could focus solely on putting effort into my studies. More personally relevant than the monetary value of holding such a scholarship is the pride that comes from earning it. I feel as if the scholarship itself is proof of what I have struggled for, and serves as a reminder of what I can accomplish in the future. Thank you again for giving me this scholarship.
JFS Recipient