Scholarship Payment
The award is sent directly to the school the recipient will be attending on a semester or term basis. Scholarships will be paid only to educational organizations which normally maintain a regular faculty, curriculum, and enrollment of students at the place where its educational activities are conducted. Such school shall use the scholarship to defray the recipient’s basic expenses only so long as the recipient’s academic standing at the school is such that the recipient will be allowed to continue in his or her course of study. If the student withdraws for any reason during the school year, the remainder of the funds should be returned to the Jefferies Family Scholarship.
Payments to schools and reimbursement of expenses are made only upon written request. Processing requires a minimum of two weeks. Requests for scholarship payment must be submitted by email to Regina de Wetter at [email protected].
Jefferies Family Scholarship

Without the Jefferies Family Scholarship I would have not been able to go to the college of my choice. It was my vehicle to a world-class, private education that gave me the gift of writing, speech, and the continued desire to learn something every day. Your generosity and support during my educational journey will always be remembered and appreciated. Without you, none of this would have been possible. I am eternally grateful!
Kate Giannini
JFS Alumni