Degrees of Giving
We would like to thank the many donors who have made gifts to the Jefferies Family Scholarship over the years. Our mission to support the bright futures of committed students is made possible by contributions from charitable organizations, visionary businesses, and generous individuals.
Jefferies is committed to the success of the Jefferies Family Scholarship and has long been a significant contributor in this effort to enable the education of employee children. Recipients of the Jefferies Town Hall Awards as well as new hire referral awards may select a charity of their choice to receive award funds. We thank all those who have directed their awards to the scholarship program.
Listed below are some of our most recent supporters. We thank all of our benefactors for their generosity, including those not listed who have made in-kind donations to our fundraisers.
Chancellor ($100,000 +)
Founding donation made by Boyd Jefferies in 1981
Jefferies LLC (2010, 2012 & 2021)
Dean Emeritus ($75,000 – $99,999)
Anonymous (2008 & 2009)
Jefferies LLC (2015)
Professorship ($40,000 – $74,999)
Richard Handler (2011)
Sharon Jefferies (2008)
Jefferies LLC (2022)
Steve Sander (2011)
Doctorate ($10,000 – $39,999)
Anonymous (2008)
Mary Bienkowski (2007 & 2008)
Brian Friedman (2007, 2009, 2011
& 2014)
Richard Handler (2014)
Robert Harteveldt (2011)
Jacqueline Hennessey (2007)
Jefferies LLC (2009, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019)
Sharon Jefferies (2007, 2011,
2012 & 2013)
Jeffery Johnson (2007)
Loretta & Yao Linn Lee (2009)
Susan Mullin (2007)
John Shaw, Jr. (2007)
Stephen M. Sander Foundation (2007)
Joseph S. & Diane H. Steinberg
1992 Charitable
Trust (2015, 2017 & 2023)
Fellowship ($5,000 – $9,999)
Kenneth Scott Auker (2011)
Peter Forlenza (2018)
Joshua Gold (2011)
Jason Griffith (2011)
Edwin Hagerty (2007)
Brian Hewitt (2011)
Sharon Jefferies (2010)
William Jennings (2011)
Robert Keller Jr. (2010 & 2019)
Stuart Kronick (2011)
Thomas Labenz (2011)
Mary Bienkowski Fund (2009)
Brian McGrath (2011)
Fred Orlan (2019)
Brian Pereira (2011)
Matthew Pymm (2011)
Stephen M. Sander Foundation (2014)
Jon Santemma (2011)
Peter Santry (2011)
Joe Sullivan (2010)
Barry Taylor (2007)
Latham & Watkins (2008)
Kenneth Zegar (2011)
Masters ($1,000 – $4,999)
Jeffrey Agnew (2010, 2011,
2014 & 2016)
Anonymous (2008)
Albin Alex (2011)
Michael Alexander (2011 & 2016)
Chris Amery (2014)
Aspen Skiing Company (2011)
Kenneth Auker (2014)
Matthew Baldassano (2011)
Daniela Bar-Illan (2014)
David Baxt (2011)
Patrice Blanc (2011 & 2014)
Kevin Blaney (2011)
Robert Boyle Jr. (2011 & 2014)
Chris Braceland (2011)
Susan & Edward Bralower (2007)
Michael Brinkman (2011)
Rhys Brooks (2011 & 2014)
Cuio Cao (2014)
Jennifer Cardilli (2011)
James Carmack (2007)
Frank Carsello (2007)
Daniel Charney (2011)
John and Rani Cherian (2022)
Attishay Chopra (2019)
Frank Cicero (2011)
Donald Clark (2011 & 2014)
Brian Coleman (2011)
David Corleto (2011)
Edward Craig (2011)
Philip Cushman (2011)
Glen Dailey (2011)
Rick Davidson (2016)
Robert De Luccia Jr. (2011)
Dan Decelles (2011 & 2014)
Marc Defife (2011)
Ashley Delp (2014)
Martin DeMonte (2016)
Paul Deninger (2009)
Damon DiSalvatore (2011)
Brian Dolittle (2011)
John F. Donahue III (2011)
Storm Duncan (2020)
Larry Dunn (2016)
Ralph Eads (2011, 2016 & 2020)
Alec Ellison (2014)
Johan Eveland (2011 & 2014)
Eric Farber (2011)
Kevin Fisher (2011)
Keith Fordyce (2016)
Peter Forlenza (2016)
Roy Furman (2011 & 2014)
Christine Gaelzer (2011)
Michael Gerardi (2011)
Susan Gilbertson (2014)
Natti Ginor (2014)
Jared Goldman (2011)
Stephen Goll (2011 & 2014)
Jason Gredell (2011)
Jeffrey Greenip (2011 & 2018)
Edward Greenspan (2011)
Herrick Family Trust (2007, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024)
Christian Hillard (2011)
Adrian Hodge (2014 & 2015))
Thomas Holleb (2011)
Sharon Jefferies (2009)
Michael Judlowe (2014)
Chris Kanoff (2011, 2014 & 2016)
Steve Kaplan (2014)
Bradley Katinas (2011)
Robert Keller, Jr. (2014)
Roland Kelly (2016)
Marvel Kirby (2007)
Deep Kothari (2014)
Stuart Kronick (2010)
Jeff Kransdorf (2007 & 2011)
Margaret Kugler (2010)
Andy Lee (2014)
Robert Lessin (2007)
Dominick Lester (2014)
Steve Liu (2011)
Kevin Lockhart (2011)
Keith Lockwood (2011)
Anthony Logrippo (2011 & 2014)
Ben Lorello (2020)
Daniel Markaity (2011)
Brian Marshall (2007)
Brian McCarthy (2011)
Eileen McCarthy (2011)
Ward McCarthy (2014)
Anthony McGinley (2014)
Mike Meany (2014)
David Miller (2011)
Matt Miller (2011)
Penn & Tara Miller-Jones (2014)
Peter Misek (2011)
Rupert Mitchell (2010)
David Murphy (2011)
Ari Nathan (2011)
John Noonan (2010, 2011 & 2014)
Christopher O’Connell (2011)
Daniel O’Donnell (2011)
Matthew O’Hara (2011)
Donald O’Toole (2014)
Chris Overbeck (2014)
Orlan Family Fund (2014)
James Palen (2011)
Vlad Portnoy (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020)
Adam Posnack (2011)
Jack Randall (2014)
Reese Henry & Co. (2011, 2012,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024)
Michael Robinson (2011)
Richard Roche (2011)
Jason Roelke (2011 & 2014)
Thomas Roszko (2011)
Andrew Ruckh (2011)
Mark Sahler (2011)
Edward Salmon, Jr. (2007)
Paul Sandoli (2014)
Lauri Scoran (2011 & 2014)
Scott Shapiro (2011)
Michael Sharp (2011 & 2014)
Kevin Sheridan (2011)
Adam Smith (2011)
Adam Sokoloff (2014)
Michael Spataro (2011)
Rob Steininger (2011)
Robert Stoute (2011)
Steven Strom (2011)
Joe Sullivan (2014)
Timothy Sullivan (2011)
Thomas Thees (2011)
Kenneth Usdin (2011)
Emmanuel Voumvourakis (2011)
Evan Wallach (2011)
Robert Welch (2014)
West Oak Capital (2011 & 2016)
Andrew Whittacker (2020)
Frank Wolf (2011)
Daniel Wright (2011)
David Zervos (2011 & 2014)
Bachelors ($500 – $999)
Robert Abbe (2010)
Barry Alton (2011)
Matt Baldassano (2014)
Chetan Bansal (2014)
Mike Bauer (2014)
Gary Bauersfeld (2011)
Adam Beard (2016)
Jeffrey Beckmen (2011)
George Brickfield (2015)
Michael Brinkman (2014)
David Bohn (2014)
John Brosnan (2014)
Georgia Brooks (2011)
Matthew Brown (2014)
Carlos Cabrera (2014)
Mark Cagno (2014)
Cesar Canali (2014)
Vincent Cebula (2011)
Alexander Chernyy (2020)
Mike Cherry (2014)
Alexander Coffey (2020)
Tim Corcoran (2014)
Ed Craig (2014)
John Cronin (2014)
Michael Cullen (2014)
Coyler Curtis (2014)
Glen Dailey (2014)
Dan Decelles (2014 & 2020)
Ashley Delp (2020)
Steven DeSanctis (2018)
Brian Devlin (2007)
Michael Dodds (2011 & 2014)
Drew Doscher (2014)
Yvonne Downs (2014)
Kevin Driscoll (2011)
Larry Dunn (2007 & 2011)
Michael Eastwood (2014)
Renato Estefano (2014)
John Fargis (2011)
Neil Flanagan (2014)
Pete Forlenza (2014)
Rob Fullerton (2014)
Dan Furstenberg (2014)
Eric Geller (2014)
Omar Ghalloudi (2020)
Susan Gilbertson (2014)
Robert Glass (2011)
Sean George (2011)
Stephen & Shade Grahling (2010)
Mark Green (2014)
Jeff Greenip (2014)
Paul Gray (2011)
Darren Haines (2011)
Brian Hardiman (2011)
Brian Hewitt (2014)
Patricia Hove (2018 & 2019)
Robert Glass (2011)
Stephen Goetschius (2014)
Paul Gray (2011)
Darren Haines (2011)
Mark Horowitz (2014)
Patricia Hove (2019)
John Huwiler (2014)
Edward Jobst (2011)
Pen & Tara Miller-Jones (2014)
Michael Judlowe (2011)
Kaplan Family Giving Fund (2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2022 & 2023)
Roland Kelly (2018)
Joseph Kieffer (2018)
Matthew Kim (2014)
Richard Khaleel (2014 & 2016)
Deep Kothari (2014)
Jeff Kransdorf (2014)
Stuart Kronick (2014)
Margaret Kugler (2011)
Michael Leder (2014)
Steve Liu (2014)
David Losito (2007)
Hal Maloney (2014)
Russ Marcus (2014, 2019, 2020 & 2021)
Jesse Mark (2014)
Brian McGrath (2014, 2016 & 2020)
Richard Miller-Jones (2011)
Rob Minear (2011 & 2014)
Rupert Mitchell (2009)
Richard Morgner (2014 & 2016)
Stefani Muntner (2014)
John Noonan (2016)
Mark O’Donnell (2011)
Fred Ostrove (2011)
Dan O’Sullivan (2014)
Ritankar Pal (2014)
Brian Pereira (2014)
Alex Persson (2012)
Tom Pierini (2011)
Claudio Pinto (2020)
Romeo Reyes (2014)
Mark Rosen (2007)
Howard Rubel (2011)
Patrick Russell (2011)
Michael Ryan (2014)
Jon Santemma (2014)
Kathy Savidis (2019)
James Schwarz (2014)
Lauri Scoran (2014)
Theodore Jack Serure (2020)
David Silber (2011)
Matt Smith (2014)
Adam Sokoloff (2014)
John Stacconi (2014)
Joe Sullivan (2014)
Jatin Suryawanshi (2011 & 2014)
John & Maxine Syrjamaki (2013
& 2014)
Mary Tarvin (2015)
Barry Taylor (2010 & 2011)
Thomas M. Thees (2009 & 2011)
Devin Thomas (2020)
Jason Trock (2014)
Dustin Tyner (2011)
Tony Ulehla (2014)
Charles Vesce (2007)
Andrew Whittacker (2011 & 2014)
Jeff Whyte (2014)
Neil Winter (2014)
James Walsh (2014)
Frank Wolf (2007 & 2009)
Andrew Woolford (2011)
Penelope Worsham (2008)
Fredrik Wraneus (2020)
David Zervos (2014)
Zhuang Zhuang (2014)
Joseph Ziccarelli (2014)
Jefferies – Town Hall,
Employee Referral,
and Digitalization Awards
Donated on behalf of recipients:
Aashish Agarwal (2022)
Georges Arbache (2022)
Kym Arnone (2023)
Nicholas Barnes (2021)
Scott Beckelman (2021)
Scott Beicke (2024)
Allison Bellini (2021)
Malek Benfetima (2022)
Leonard Bernstein (2021)
Sidd Bhat (2021)
Christopher Bianchi (2021)
Edmund Bradley (2022)
Kishore Bukkarayasamudram (2023)
Richard Burke (2021)
Kirk Butryn (2024)
Stanislav Byhovsky (2024)
Gary Campise (2024)
David Cardoso (2021)
Luis Leon-Carsi (2021)
Atishay Chopra (2021)
Laura Coady (2021)
Alex Coffey (2022)
Paul Covello (2022)
Paul Crouch (2022)
Lynn Davis (2020)
Marc DeFife (2013)
Siddharth Dikshit (2022)
Michael Eastwood (2022)
Andrew Ehrlich (2021)
Tommy Erdei (2022)
Joseph Femenia (2024)
Daniel Flatman (2021)
Michael Fiscella (2023)
Jason Fogelson (2015)
Arnaud Formas (2022)
Brian Friedman (2020 & 2022)
Dan Furstenberg (2020 & 2022)
Leo Gazal (2022)
Eli Gelman (2024)
Zachary Goldberg (2023)
David Goldstein (2024)
Laurie Goodman (2021)
Jeff Greenip (2014)
Robert Gregorio (2024)
Richard Handler (2024)
Robert Herbik (2013)
Luis Castro Huergo (2021)
John Huwiler (2022 & 2024)
Dmitry Ivanov (2022)
Andrew Jennison (2021)
Brenlen Jinkens (2021)
Christopher Jordan (2023)
Christopher Joseph (2021)
Guy Kearsley (2024)
Vsevolod Konoplich (2021)
Stephen Kroculick (2025)
Lindsay Kronegold (2021)
Chung Kim (2021)
Stephen Kim (2023)
Amit Kumar (2021)
Anna Kurzrok (2022)
Stephanie Libien (2023)
Hardik Madlani (2022)
Aneta Markowska (2022)
Jean-Philippe Messager (2021)
John Metz (2022)
John Miller (2024)
Peter Munsill (2018)
Mark Murphy (2022)
Thanh Nguyen (2015)
Dung Nguyen (2023)
Diana Nikonchuk (2022)
John O’Brien (2021)
Michael O’Hara (2023)
Daniel Oldeweme (2022)
Aaron Packles (2024)
Anthony Pallone (2022)
Tina Pappas (2021)
John Park (2022)
Scott Peloso (2022)
Tycho Peterson (2025)
Robert Peyreigne (2023)
Erin Picarello (2021)
Matt Pymm (2021)
Stephen Rapp (2021)
Adrian Robins (2013)
Douglas Ruby(2021)
Michael Ryan (2020)
Mark Sahler (2021)
Kaasha Saini (2022)
Paul Sandoli (2021 & 2024)
Aditya Sankaranarayan (2024)
Peter Seccia (2025)
Will Sevush (2022)
Aniket Shah (2021)
Pranav Shah (2022)
Lior Shimonovich (2018)
Shomo Sinha (2015)
Scott Skidmore (2024)
Joseph Slevin (2025)
John Stacconi (2021)
Joe Sullivan (2013)
Rahul Suresh (2022)
Scott Sussman (2022)
Stephen Tatz (2023)
Michael Toomey (2020)
Courtney Tuttle (2022)
Dustin Tyner (2024)
Abdur-Rahman Ullah (2021)
Hugh Upcott-Gill (2021)
Ashley Walker (2015 & 2022)
Johnson Wan (2022)
Stephen Weiss (2013)
Matthew Wesley (2021)
Christopher White (2022)
Anu Willoughby (2022)
Andrew Wilson (2021)
Ian Woods (2019)
Rachel Zhang (2021)
Zhuang Zhuang (2016)
Associates ($100 – $499)
Arnel Adorable (2018, 2019 & 2020)
Mohammed Ahmed (2018)
Barry Alton (2014)
Biren Amin (2020)
Dan Anderson (2020)
Matthew Andrews (2016)
Geoffrey Angulo (2014, 2016 & 2018)
Kenneth Auker (2010)
Jeffrey Barany (2020)
Nadia Batchelor (2020)
Jack Bedrossian (2016)
Raphael Bejarano (2020)
Kyle Bender (2011)
Steven Benezra (2016)
Delfina Bernucca (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016)
Rishi Bhuchar (2020)
Greg Bjork (2016)
Robert Boguslawski (2007, 2019, 2020 & 2021)
Boris Boroda (2011)
Brian Bravo (2016)
Colt Brennan (2007)
George Brickfield (2014)
Phil Berkowitz (2020)
Cuoi Cao (2016)
Joseph Cao (2016)
Steven Cao (2010)
Antoine Carle (2020)
John Carlisle (2020)
Jim Carmack (2008)
Krish Chakrabarti (2011 & 2014)
Atishay Chopra (2020)
Jon Chiarieri (2020)
Daniel Cohen (2020)
Kevin Coleman (2011)
Steve Colvin (2011)
Maura Connor (2020)
Rich Conway (2014)
William Cooling (2018)
Timothy Corcoran (2016)
Clarissa Cordero (2020)
Eileen Corrigan (2016)
Paul Covello (2020)
John Cronin (2011 & 2021)
Kristen Cucurullo (2008)
Jane Dabney (2020)
Regina de Wetter (2007, 2010,
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024)
Marty DeMonte (2014)
Laurie Derringer (2015)
Oliver Diehl (2020)
Michael DiMiceli (2014)
August Dinger, Jr. (2011)
Michael Dodds (2010)
Shake Dokuzyan (2018)
Martin Dolan (2014)
James Dowling (2016 & 2020)
Scott Driggs (2020)
Larry Dunn (2009)
Michael Eastwood (2016)
Kenny & Donna Eddlestone (2009)
Delos Elder (2016)
Yek Eng (2018 & 2019)
Luca Erpici (2020)
John Erwin (2014, 2016, 2022 & 2023)
Joseph C. Esposito (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024)
Renato Estefano (2020)
Brett Finer (2020)
Gina Marie Finn (2010 & 2016)
Brian Fitzgerald (2018)
Mark Fleming (2015)
Andrew Flick (2011)
Virat Gautam (2009, 2010 & 2011)
Evan Gevarter (2014)
Susan Gilbertson (2016)
Natti Ginor (2016 & 2021)
Christopher Giveans (2016)
Charles Glazer Jr. (2016 & 2019)
Jennifer Glynn (2020)
Lee Ann Gliha (2020)
Zachary Goldberg (2018)
Eric Goldstein (2014)
Marcy Gordon (2014)
Tom Gordon (2016)
David Green (2020)
Breton Greer (2020)
Margaret Grochalska (2016)
Roger Gunnarsson (2020)
Simon Hardy (2020)
Darren Haines (2014)
Caitlin Hart (2014)
Neil Higgins (2016)
Gary Hill (2011)
Johnathan Hill (2014)
Patricia Hove (2016 & 2020)
Margaret Huang (2020)
Betty Infantes (2011)
Bruce Ingram (2016)
Robert Johansen (2014)
Max Jones (2020)
Doug Jordan (2014)
Chris Kanoff (2020)
Kaplan Family Giving Fund (2024)
Steve Kaplan (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 & 2016)
Siddharta Kavuri (2022)
Michael Kelapire (2007)
Marianne Kelly (2011 & 2016)
Rob Kirkwood (2020)
Jeremy Kilpatrick (2020)
Paul Kohn (2020)
Evangelos Kollintzas (2020)
Barseg Kouredjian (2015)
Lindsay Kronengold (2014)
Michael Krull (2011)
Roy Kruger (2011)
John Kumm (2010)
Sheryl Kuperman (2016)
Barsam Lakani (2020)
Vincent Lapietra (2011)
Steven Latimer (2020)
Real LeClerc (2011)
Cameron Lester (2020)
Chris LeVine (2021)
Stepahnie Sander Libien (2020)
Angelo Liberatore (2020)
Melvin Locke, Jr. (2008)
Michael Long (2020)
Leesa Love (2016)
Nigel Lucas (2020)
Vladimir Lukin (2010)
Andrew Lynch (2011)
John Mackie (2020)
Steve Maltz (2011)
Russ Marcus (2021)
Aneta Markowska (2020)
Sarin Mathur (2018)
William McDermott (2011)
John Paul McDonnell (2020)
James McGinley (2014)
Brian McIntosh (2014)
Brian McKelvey (2018)
David McKinnon (2016)
Brian McNamara (2011)
Derek McNulty (2020)
Mike Meany (2014)
Brian Meringolo (2014)
Matt Mesa (2016)
Leandro Milititsky (2020)
Matt Miller (2020)
Akiko Miyazaki (2020)
Rodolfo Molina (2020)
Anne Brinley Mooney (2012)
Sally Morris (2010, 2011 & 2016)
Ariella Morrow (2020)
Eric Morrow (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024)
Danielle Muscara (2008)
Harlan Nebenhaus (2010)
Philip Noblet (2020)
John Noonan (2020)
Takuya Nozaki (2020)
James Odorczuk (2016)
Omatayo Okusanya (2016)
Ian Oliveros (2020)
Alan Onyeche (2012)
Chris Ooten (2020)
Jennifer Owens (2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023)
James Palen (2020)
Alexis Panton (2016)
Anthony Pappalardo (2011)
Jay Pappas (2014)
Elizabeth Pellegrin (2016)
Alexander Persson (2011 & 2012)
Jason Pinkernell (2011)
Polselli Family Fund (2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021)
Lawrence Portman (2014)
Michael Powell (2011)
Mauro Premazzi (2020)
Stephen Price (2020)
Keith Prusek (2020)
Lavina Quadros (2018)
Bryan Quinlan (2021)
Hugh Rabb (2020)
Milan Radia (2010)
Jack Randal (2014)
Probir Rao (2020)
Mario Rappoport (2011)
Thomas Reilly (2020)
Robert Renn (2011)
John Riccardi (2011)
Gregory Rinsky (2020)
Gilberto Rivera (2020)
Grant Rice (2011)
Daniel Ritter (2020)
Jason Roelke (2016)
Tim Roepke (2020)
Kelly Roiter (2014 & 2020)
Krishnendu Roy (2008)
Layla Royer (2016)
Patti Rube (2011)
Cory Ryan (2011 & 2016)
Jon Sack (2014)
Mark Sahler (2014)
Paul Sandoli (2014)
Kathy Savidis (2007, 2011, 2015, 2016 & 2018)
Valerie Savidis (2016)
William Schmitz (2020)
Carlos & Maureen Schneider (2010)
Neil Schroeder (2011)
Jonathan Schubach (2011)
Peter Scott (2014)
Leor Shapiro (2020)
Carrera Shea (2016, 2018 & 2019)
Timothy Shea (2016)
Nandan Shinkre (2020)
Thomas Shortall (2010)
Clifford Siegel (2008)
Jonathan Sisto (2011)
Luc Sitbon (2020)
Matthew Smith (2016)
Ryan Smith (2011)
Jeffrey Snyder (2011 & 2021)
Mauro Souza (2020)
Michael Sroga (2018)
Branko Stojkovic (2011)
Chandra Subash (2010)
Joe Sullivan (2020)
Layne Swanson (2016)
John & Maxine Syrjamaki (2010, 2011, 2016 & 2021)
Takumi Tanaka (2020)
Tom Tarrant (2010, 2011, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024)
Stephen Tatz (2020)
Mary Tarvin (2009)
Taylor Charitable Foundation (2009 & 2013)
John Tibe (2020)
Kelly Tintle (2014)
Stephanie Tomblin (2020)
Ryan Touchton (2011)
Courtney Tuttle (2020)
Ken Usdin (2014)
Paul Vago (2007)
Gregory Valentine (2020)
Stephen Volkmann (2016, 2018 & 2019)
Ashley Walker (2016)
James Walsh (2014)
Michael Wang (2007)
Aubrey Weil (2017)
Jeremy Wenner (2011)
Jeffrey Werring (2011)
Jeffrey Whyte (2020)
Matthew Wines (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020)
Frank Wolf (2014)
Jizhe Yang (2018)
Craig Zaph (2014)
George Zahringer (2020)
William Zega (2016 & 2018)
Zhuang Zhuang (2014)
If you wish to remain anonymous or feel there is an error or omission, please contact Regina de Wetter, [email protected].
Jefferies Family Scholarship

Both my daughters, my husband, and I appreciated being recipients of the Jefferies Family Scholarship. With it my daughters were able to attend world class institutions, went on to pursue masters, and are both currently employed in fields they love. The pressure the scholarship relieved allowed both of them to follow their respective passions and their hearts; for this I am eternally grateful.
Kathy Savidis
Parent of JFS Alumni